Feeling Stuck on your Business Message? I often question myself, I am sure you do as well. 

You are not alone. As women, we tend to put a lot on our plates. {I’m guilty!}

So, what is the deal with that? However, it is quite natural for us to be thinking and doing multiple things at the same time. So, first, don’t beat yourself up about it. Second, I will give you some tips and tricks to help you start flushing out your Business Message.

Feeling Stuck on your Business Message? Know how to Get Clear on your Message

1. Decide that clarity is what you seek and that is what you shall find.

When I decided that ‘enough was enough’ when it came to not being clear, that is when things started moving for me. I made ‘Clarity’ my Theme for  2015. Two days later (like out of thin air) I learned about a group coaching program all about getting clear on your message. That is when I hired my first coach!

Do you see how that works? Once I made a decision, everything started moving into place. It’s like when you buy a new car for the first time that you didn’t think anyone was driving, and once you buy it, you see it EVERYWHERE!

Not only do you allow the Universe/God to move your desire towards you, but you are also more aware of yourself. Now you can see what maybe you could not see before.

2. Feeling Stuck on your Business Message? Know your WHY!

This is the reason you get up in the morning. What do you believe in? Your soapbox? What can you speak about all day and NEVER get bored?

THAT is your WHY! When I processed that last question, everything fell into place. It was so easy. It was sitting right under my nose the whole time. I realized that I was making my WHY this big overreaching scary thing: “I want everyone in the world to feel happy!” Although that would be nice, it was also a HUGE burden to carry and a total motivation killer.

But, what did I already talk about all day? “Time Freedom, Money Freedom & Personal Freedom.” THAT lit me up! I felt completely different. I suddenly had momentum. And, like magic, my WHY appeared.

My Why: I believe in living life more abundantly with the freedom to choose when and where you work and how you show up in this world with no limits on the amount of money you can make for being you!

I still get super pumped when I read that!

3. Fit your Business into your WHY

For years, I always developed a WHY around the business that I had {I didn’t realize I was doing this}. It was an ‘ah-ha’ moment for me when I realized that I could build my business around my WHY!

I believe that we are born with skills and gifts when living out our highest purpose. And, when you build your business to fit your WHY, you are also building it to fit WHO YOU ARE and what you are good at! This is a bonus. This means you will be good at it and you will have a fire in your belly! WIN-WIN.

So, if you take a look at your WHY, what type of business would best support your WHY? AND, how would your gifts and skills support that business?

4. Determine your Gifts and Skills (If you have not already)

I think we grow up in a world that ‘rates’ us based on what we do well and what we do not do so well. So, you probably do not have to look far to find this out.

But, just in case, your gifts are those things that come so naturally to you that you may not even realize that it is a gift. This is when it is handy to have someone that knows you (and is supportive) reflect you what amazing gifts they see in you. Or just listen to what people say to you, where you may be surprised by a compliment.

Recently, I was having a conversation with someone I had just met. She said: “You make things that previously seemed complicated, so simple!” I thanked her and smiled. To me, I had made a simple statement of fact. To her, I just simplified a once complicated idea.

Skills are what you are good at doing. Like, solving problems or attention to detail. You can determine what your skills are by taking a skills test or taking a look at your current profession and what you do well. Where do you score well in your performance reviews?

Another option, to determine your skills and gifts, would be to survey your friends and family. Ask 10 people: “What are 3 words you would use to best describe me?” Look for common themes.

5. Feeling STUCK on your Business Message? Find someone to support you

When I hired my first coach (as I mentioned earlier), that is when I was able to get out of my way. I was able to get feedback and bounce my ideas and thoughts off of someone who cared about my results and had experience with clarity and messaging.

This is the moment that my business started to change. Before that point, I simply had a blog that I was not sure I wanted anyone to see (cause I was not even sure I knew my direction). After having hired my coach, I had clarity on my WHY, I knew what my business was and I started to get clear on my ideal client’s {next step – more on that later}.

If you want to get super-duper clear on your message, what you do and who your dream clients are, book a clarity call with me to find out how I can support you with this.

Hi, I’m Brandy Middleton.
I help high achieving corporate women build passive income businesses online so that they can live a life that they are totally lit up about – with time and money freedom. I do this by teaching complex money and business strategies in simple, step by step ways that give my students a sense of confidence.

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